Julian Camilo Posada was born in Bogotá (Colombia). He obtained his bachelor in Chemistry at Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas (2011). As graduation project, he worked at Universidad Nacional de Colombia under supervision of Professor Alvaro Duarte and support of the Professor Luis Echegoyen of the University of Texas at El Paso. The work was related with Supramolecular chemisty in the development of MOPs (Metal-Organic-Polyhedra). After, he did a Master in Nanoscience (2013) at University of the Basque Country (San Sebastian-Spain). His Master Thesis Work was developed in the Center of Materials Physics (San Sebastian) under the supervision of Professor Enrique Ortega and is based on the study of complex Surfaces as 2D nanotemplates for the growth of magnetic nanodots, with STM and surface characterization techniques (ARPES, LEED, XPS, MOKE). In February 2014, he started a PhD program in SASSYPOL network as an Early Stage Researcher (ESR) at University of Zaragoza (Spain). His work will focus on the research of Nanoporous Membranes Based on Supramolecular Organizations.
Nanoporous Membranes Based on Supramolecular Organisations
The goal of this project is mimic the behavior of the channels of natural membranes by using an almost unexplred approach based on supramolecular liquid crystals. They will afford synthetic functional thin films with active surface pores, which will be able to discriminate and separate different chemical species.